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Background and history of The Local Government Training Institute

The history of the Local Government Training Institute runs back to 1980s, when the Institute premises were used then by the only and ruling party, Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM). Under CCM, the Centre was used for training political cadres technically known as Makada wa Chama. However, the establishment of the multiparty democracy in Tanzania (in 1991/92) changed the utilization of a number of such public institution premises that were used by CCM during the period of the mono-party system. Thus, all such premises were transferred to the Central Government, which in turn transformed them into public learning institutions. A few examples of such institutions include: The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy, previously known as Chuo Cha Chama - Kivukoni; and the Local Government Training Institute, Hombolo - Dodoma. Therefore, in the year 1994, the Hombolo Training Centre was handed over to the President’s Office - Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), which turned it into the Local Government Training Institute by the Act of Parliament No 26 of 1994 (Cap 396 Revised in 2002). In 2005, the Institute was transferred to the Prime Minister’s Office-Regional Administration and Local Government (PMO-RALG), whereas in 2015, following the release of Ministerial instrument, the Institute was returned back to the President’s Office - Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG). For a number of years since 1994, the Institute has been used as the centre for providing short courses for training of Councilors, Ward Executives (WEOs), Mtaa Executives (MEOs) and Village Executives (VEOs). The strong experience demonstrated by the Institute in conducting these short training programmes was one of the key factors for the government decision to empower LGTI to offer regular long term tertiary programmes approved by NACTE with effect from 2007.

