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(Festo L Washa)

Head of Procurement Management Unit

Welcome to Procurement Management Unit

Dear Website Visitor,


To provide expertise and services in procurement, storage and supply of goods and services for the Institute.

This Unit perform the following activities: - 

(i)            Advise the Management on matters pertaining to the procurement of goods, services, works and logistics                               management;

(ii)           Monitor adherence to procurement processes and procedures as per Public Procurement Act;

(iii)          Develop an Annual Procurement Plan for Institute;

(iv)          Procure, maintain and manage supplies, materials and services to support the logistical requirements of the                             Institute;

(v)           Maintain and monitor distribution of office supplies and materials;

(vi)          Maintain and update inventory of goods, supplies and materials;

(vii)         Provide Secretariat services to the Institute’s Tender Board as per Public Procurement Act; and

(viii)        Set specifications or standards for goods and services to be procured and monitor adherence to value for money.